As Winter approaches and children have returned to school there will be an increase in the incidence of viral illnesses as is common for this time of year. Given the current global pandemic, how we deal with these illnesses requires a different approach this year in order to keep all of our patients as safe as we can.

We again politely ask you not to walk into the surgery without prior arrangement. We must limit all unnecessary interactions between patients. We ask for your patience - this protects you as well as others.

If you or your child develops a cough, temperature or sore throat please self isolate in your home and contact us for advice which will in the majority of cases result in us arranging a COVID test. Please see the diagrams on the following pages to illustrate what to do if your child develops a viral illness.

We are already seeing a spike in viral infections this first week of September and anticipate a significant increase over the coming weeks placing additional pressure on our service. We would ask you kindly not to request letters and sick certificates for school children, parental certification is sufficient when a child is absent due to illness. A doctor’s certification is not required. 

We will not provide letters to forgo the use of masks, or for the use of visors instead of masks.  The medical advice on this is clear - the choice of following this is yours.

Seasonal Flu Vaccine

We anticipate our first batch of flu vaccines to arrive in the middle of September. This year for the first time ever ALL  at risk patients are entitle to a FREE flu vaccine even if you do not have a medical card or DVC. Please follow this link to the HSE website to see who falls into an at risk group.

We would strongly recommend that everyone get vaccinated this year given the potentially catastrophic effects  that a surge in flu and COVID-19 cases would have on our health service.