Opening Hours: 09.00 - 17.30 Mon - Friday.

Closed for lunch 13.00 - 14.00


Claregalway, Co. Galway



    The practice has reopened as of 11.00 and power has been restored!

  • Free Contraception

    As and from the 1st July 2024 the Universal Contraceptive Scheme encompasses all female patients (GMS, DVC and Private) from the ages of 17 years to 35 years (up to day before 36th birthday)

    Female patients with GMS/DVC AGED 36 years to 44 years (up to date of 45th Birthday)

    This is not a universal scheme and applies to GMS/DVC patients only.

  • Making an appointment

    We operate an appointment only policy.

    To make an appointment please email the practice or make a phone call.

    For urgent appointments you need to make a phonecall as the email account is only periodically monitored.

    Please click on the button below for our contact details.

  • Information about appointments

    We appreciate when patients, who have a respiratory illness, wear a mask in order to limit transfer of viral respiratory illness to those who may also be using the waiting room.

    Measles is a very contagious viral illness and unfortunately many cases have been reported in Ireland in 2024. If you, or your child, have a rash and fever, please call from your car when you arrive and you will be phoned when the doctor is ready to see you.

    Please click on the button below for information on what to expect from your apointmen.


Opening hours

08.30 - 5.00 Monday to Friday

Telephone 091 395 005

Westdoc provides Urgent out of hours care on evenings, weekends and holidays and can be contacted on

0818 360 000.




    We endeavour to open once the warning ceases at 11.00. This will be dependent on power supply however which is currently down in the area. We are contactable by phone. In case of emergency please contact the emergency services 999.

  • Information about appointments

    We appreciate when patients, who have a respiratory illness, wear a mask in order to limit transfer of viral respiratory illness to those who may also be using the waiting room.

    Measles is a very contagious viral illness and unfortunately many cases have been reported in Ireland in 2024. If you, or your child, have a rash and fever, please call from your car when you arrive and you will be phoned when the doctor is ready to see you.

    Please click on the button below for information on what to expect from your apointmen.

  • Making an appointment

    We operate an appointment only policy.

    To make an appointment please email the practice or make a phone call.

    For urgent appointments you need to make a phonecall as the email account is only periodically monitored.

    Please click on the button below for our contact details.

  • Free Contraception

    As and from the 1st July 2024 the Universal Contraceptive Scheme encompasses all female patients (GMS, DVC and Private) from the ages of 17 years to 35 years (up to day before 36th birthday)

    Female patients with GMS/DVC AGED 36 years to 44 years (up to date of 45th Birthday)

    This is not a universal scheme and applies to GMS/DVC patients only.